Anything We Like

Tuesday, April 05, 2005



Thursday, March 31, 2005

First Time TO Stop Oneself.

We try oh we try to poingy poingy but it's too different from modern day literature.

My name is Bill but do I like cookies I don't know but people call me Sam in modern day literature.

As Martin D. Homeswigger once said, "There's no place like the sellotape factory".

Then everyone said dudududididududididooodie.

Farmers have now discovered a herd of elasticated cows living in the field. These can easily be stretched over the knee for spanking. Their meat is also fun to eat as it can't be digested wothout first melting it into a smoothie.6 pints of milk can be extracted from each elestic cow by wringing it out or pulling at both ends sharply.

My dad said he likes to put his big kettle on the counter because it gets so hot in the Summer time. So no now byebye coz got to go having eating all the chickens in the field, the big field over on the right, yeah yeah just past the mill, right, you're very welcome, bye............................Nimmo